I'm proud to announce that "Woodsie's House of Pancakes" has won the Midwest Regional Central Iowa Chapter 2nd District Post-Student Non-Profit Piddlestain Honorable Mention Award for "Longest Span of Time Without Any Update What-so-ever". We here at WHOP were able to go 6 years, 2 months, and 17 days without adding a single pixel to our fledgling website. Couldn't have done it with you, motivation.
In other news, I move to Harrisburg PA in just under a week. Gots me a jerb out yonder, full time & benefits, and they gave me a hat. I'll be working for WHTM-TV, the ABC affiliate. I'm excited for the move; round'bout time I made a living wage. Plus, there's a hoagie shop just up the street (a hoagie is like a blimpie, minus the suck).
Also, somehow I am nominated for an Emmy. I think somebody screwed up, but hey, I won't say anything if you don't. It's for a pretty good story I did with Chris Nagus at KCCI-TV in Des Moines. We caught up to a police chase late last year, pretty good footage. The suspect ended up crashing 5 feet from a kid making snowballs in his front yard. Luckily, no injuries, except for the methhead's record. I go to STL on October 16th for the ceremony. Instead of a tux, I'm wearing one of those shirts that has a tux printed on it, along with black jeans. I should fit in.
That's all for now. See you in 6 years.
P.S. - If you be in to weather, check out this link...
you da man!
PS I can smell your bluff a mile away. And I'm not talking about when we're playing poker.
Damn you and your non-anonymous comments! Also, a box of congratulates on your new j-o-b. I have to spell it because the kids are in the room and I don't want to spoil c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s!
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