Sunday, September 26, 2004

texan hold'us

Just a few days now before "the move". I'm just gonna pack my jeep with as much as I can and just go. I'm just going to take the most important stuff, like my airplane seats and 65 bags of twizzlers. The twizzlers on the east coast taste different.

Been playing poker alot lately...

Last week I lost one and one won, and then some lost one when I won one... something like that. I think I angered the poker gods with my poor skills. As you can tell by the picture, all the green chips inexplicably leapt from the table and attacked me. Always wear sunglasses... they go for the eyes.

If you're reading this on Sunday, Sept. 26, you should come to Cooney's Bar tonight for a little going-away shindig. If you're reading this after Sunday, Sept. 26, man that was a cool party until that one guy died.

Keep rockin, grads! Wow, what a year. Don't ever change.

- Class of '84

Friday, September 24, 2004


I'm proud to announce that "Woodsie's House of Pancakes" has won the Midwest Regional Central Iowa Chapter 2nd District Post-Student Non-Profit Piddlestain Honorable Mention Award for "Longest Span of Time Without Any Update What-so-ever". We here at WHOP were able to go 6 years, 2 months, and 17 days without adding a single pixel to our fledgling website. Couldn't have done it with you, motivation.

In other news, I move to Harrisburg PA in just under a week. Gots me a jerb out yonder, full time & benefits, and they gave me a hat. I'll be working for WHTM-TV, the ABC affiliate. I'm excited for the move; round'bout time I made a living wage. Plus, there's a hoagie shop just up the street (a hoagie is like a blimpie, minus the suck).

Also, somehow I am nominated for an Emmy. I think somebody screwed up, but hey, I won't say anything if you don't. It's for a pretty good story I did with Chris Nagus at KCCI-TV in Des Moines. We caught up to a police chase late last year, pretty good footage. The suspect ended up crashing 5 feet from a kid making snowballs in his front yard. Luckily, no injuries, except for the methhead's record. I go to STL on October 16th for the ceremony. Instead of a tux, I'm wearing one of those shirts that has a tux printed on it, along with black jeans. I should fit in.

That's all for now. See you in 6 years.

P.S. - If you be in to weather, check out this link...