Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Jeepers Crappers

There's been a touch of drama lately when it comes to the Woodsiemobile... she's had a tough couple months.

Let's just say THAT wasn't in the brochure.

However, in this dimension you humans call "reality", the events were a bit different. Someone backed into my parked vee-hickle, causing damage similar to this...

and of course, they "forgot" to leave a note with their info before speeding away in a drunken haze.


"OK, alright, it doesn't look pretty, but it's drivable, RIGHT?"


for about 3 weeks.

little did I know that 3 weeks later, THIS would fall off...

yes, that's a door. and yes, that's what fell off.

let me elaborate...

Hopped in the car, on the way to the gym... stopped at a stop light... turned right while accelerating HOLY CRAP WHY DID MY DRIVERS SIDE DOOR JUST OPEN?!?! quickly closed door in a hurried, cursing manner.

stopped at gas station for gatorade. exited car, closed door, purchased said gatorade, returned to car, "why is my door open". Apparently the door did not close when i slammed it shut after arrival at the Uni-mart.

looked at door. tried to close it.



opened door wide...


tried to slam door shut...


interesting... the door no longer closes on it's normal axis of rotation...

the axis has tilted ROUGHLY 15 degrees toward the front of the car.

So NOW, at it's "closed" position, the top of the door overlaps the roof by about 2 inches.

WOODSIE'S BRILLIANT SOLUTION : Yank down on door in a feeble attempt to correct the axis of rotation...


door is now free from previous axis of rotation, and is supported solely by Woodsie's white-knuckled hands.

(insert multiple explitives here)

So I rigged the door back into a semi-normal closed position, making sure the latch was securely locked, and climbed in through the passenger's side. In one last effort to secure the door as much as possible, I yanked on the inside handle.


oh yes. now this was off as well.


this obviously needs to be fixed. so how can I complicate this matter even more?

I KNOW!!! I'll buy the parts and install them myself!!!

... better get Maaco

so 2 more weeks and a few coins later, everythings fixed...

next week : Woodsie finds out what "4 mpg" means


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